Jack Frink

Yeah, the dismissal of Out Of Time is shortsighted, IMO. Great record.

Actually my favorite Ramones record.

Those are both really good songs…

I'd argue if you are a big R.E.M. fan, Collapse Into Now is something you "need."

The whole B-side to that record is aces. "Vegetable," "I Can't," "Prove Yourself," "Ripcord." All are so good.

I love Reveal.

Walk Unafraid live kicks ass.

I'll go to bat for all the post-Berry stuff other than Around The Sun. The final album is actually one of their best.

Huh. I like the drumming. Or at least never noticed anything out of sorts with it.

I love Monster.

Wow. Purging Run The Jewels is bizarre.

Watching the movie again last night it made sense. All three of their names are above the title, for what it's worth.

…the argument for why Clayburgh is higher-billed than Pryor…what is happening here?


One Wing and Deeper Down are also winners. It's clearly a lark of a LP.

Really strong front half. I even like "I'll Fight" even though apparently everyone else hates it for some reason.

Better start ducking.

I think you are misreading the argument somewhat.

Pryor doesn't show up until 40 minutes in. Clayburgh is arguably more important to the plot.

Waco Kid also something of a looker.