Jack Frink

Um…since when is The Producers not a great film?

Compared to some of his other recent movies, sure!

Having just rewatched The Last Picture Show, it's a bit of a shock to remember Leachman (still with us at 90!) is better known for comedy roles like that one.

Hiller also directed Silver Streak. Between Wilder, Clayburgh, Pryor, McGoohan, Crothers, Walston, Kiel and the director it's, sadly, one of the classic "all these people are gone" movies.

Patrick Stewart seems to be doing fine.

The Producers has a pretty strong ending IMO.

Marty and Bobby

Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider.

His character in Bonnie and Clyde is also from Wisconsin.

Not to mention Now Now

Yea. Beyoncé has to try real hard to stay relevant. Good insight.

Orange'a 4th season is acclaimed.

She'll probably bulk up for the role.

Yea, those fascists had a lot of redeeming qualities! None of them were as bad as the fictional
Captain Vidal!

That's how you read that, then.

It's interesting that we're getting this antediluvian view broadcast here.

That's certainly a funny way of seeing female empowerment.

Brighten The Corners and Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain are good Summer records.

Jaws and Do the Right Thing are my picks, too.

I'm goin', I'm goin'!