Jack Frink

He probably would've done a better job. Or at least not gotten sued.

Not really a good counter-story to "the Black Keys are jerks" argument.

You're following my posts because I dismissed your huge post? And I'm the one with the problem? Eh…

I think The Master is a much more moving film, as well. It's in there, I promise.

Sure it's factual. It's also a meaningless piece of criticism.

I like all their records. Riot Act is weird and spooky.

Well I disagree with all of that.


I thought Asa Butterfield was excellent in that movie.

Exactly my thoughts as I scrolled down your list.

That's surface leve criticism. You're wrong in implying an opinion can be "right" in the first place.

It is definitely QT's least humane and despairing movie since Reservoir Dogs. For what it's worth, Hateful is better than Dogs in my eyes.

Ratatouille is animation's best, IMO.

I think it's a more universally humanistic and complex movie. There Will Be Blood is a portrait of Plainview, with certain American thematic signposts littered in his wake. The Master feels like it is about all of us. I also like the touch of mysticism PTA imbued The Master with.

Upstream Color should be here. What an achievement.

I don't get the AV Club commentariat's newish insistence that modern QT is bad. Hateful Eight would be polarizing, I imagine. But Basterds and Django seem like universally enjoyable films. The most coherent argument I ever see is that they're long.

Basterds is a huge overlook on this list. Shocking it's not there.

Does it need any "depth?" It's about the power of performance and image. It is utterly unique as a cinematic experience.

2007 was an amazing year. We also had Zodiac, Ratatouille, Juno and I'm Not There.

I think The Master is the superior film.