Jack Frink

Nope. It's pretty good, though.

Film directing as good as it's ever been done.

A Separation is a great film. Will I get beat up if I thought Hugo, from the same year, was better?

I got to the high 80's before I realized this was insufferable.

Adaptation. is very accessible. Synecdoche definitely isn't.

You should see Boyhood and make your own decision.

I think this guy doesn't like Boyhood very much. Just a hunch.

You seem fun.

I agree with some of this.

It's called Sydney and it makes me sad how wrong your opinion is.

The "end?" I didn't realize he stopped making films! Daniel Day-Lewis will be surprised.

Adaptation is better than Eternal Sunshine.

Should be in the top 10

I think 2001 and Tokyo Story are both superior to Vertigo.


People understand Mulholland Dr.

Yea I would agree with that.

I think it's Wes' best.

It is the best cinematic representation of what the late 2000's felt like in America.

TDK is the best action film ever made, IMO. And the action set pieces, while great, aren't even the best part of that movie.