Jack Frink

This very site said it was the best film of the last decade. I mean, it's great, but Synecdoche should be more highly considered.


"Indifferent to the source material" is irrelevant.

Good insight. Pointed.

It really isn't.

It should be higher, IMO.

Honestly feel like Tree of Life is rated higher than it should be.

Except it is great art.

Also, "boring."

Lol you're hilarious.

Memento is very good and not close to Nolan's best.

Yea the fries are good!

Disagree, obviously.

The self-titled is actually my favorite Pearl Jam album. Really don't understand why more people don't rank it as one of their best.

That's the worst.

Stay Away off Nevermind was explicitly about GnR, if I remember correctly.

Not finding it hard to believe the guy with a terrible childhood, raging drug addiction and bottomless depression issues was difficult to be around.

Man I like Riot Act!

Rival is a great deep cut on Binaural.

I can't imagine someone thinking Dumb and Territorial Pissings sound similar.