Jack Frink

Not sure what you mean by that, but this site was part of that critical comeback.

I liked Tintin a lot, too.

How exactly was that movie a "disaster?" I thought it was quite good.

Their last two albums have been almost universally acclaimed as a major return to form.

They do seem to be piling on. They're right about it not doing well at the BO and wrong about its quality.


I'm glad they didn't, even if that's the reason for its disappointing performance.

The movie nails both sequences.

Box office take and quality should never been seen as a direct relationship.

The character is great, as is Rylance's performance. This movie just isn't catching the market the way it was expected to. Sad, but it'll be rediscovered on video.

Munich and Lincoln and Bridge of Spies don't exist for you?

Other than Crystal Skull, I'm interested to hear what these "misses" are.

I was really excited for BFG. I'm excited for all Spielberg movies lately, though. I saw Bridge of Spies on opening night.

I thought Palindromes was great.

Cool hot take.

Wait, are you implying that Toy Story 2 is somehow inferior?

You seem very upset indeed.

Or just work on your writing.

We're talking about your behavior here.

He won't make a movie as good as his third best movie again?