Jack Frink

Yea, the run up to that episode is just as good as anything. Also, the final string of episodes.

You seem more upset by the suing than the shooting.


Well good thing it's actually a darn good movie and you don't have to pay attention to such nonsense math.

Hook is almost universally derided, even by Spielberg himself, as one of his worst pictures. The BFG is far, far superior.

That's a reduction of what was going on with the plaintiffs. A reduction so inflammatory I no longer believe you're interested in making an actual point.

Um…er…sociological interests? I'm afraid to peak under that rock…

Well it's not doing well at the box office, but clearly the AV Club intelligentsia is going deeper and arguing that it's a Bad Movie. It really is quite good, though. Saw it last night and it was a great time.

He's great and it's an unforgettable character.

I think it succeeded in the same areas that Giant Peach did.

Didn't feel labored at all to me.

ET looked scary too.

Sorry you don't have time for those titles. They're all quite good.

Seeing as it's a good movie, that RT % is legit.

Have you seen this movie?

Yes, we get it. You're the only hero in the world.

Or you could've voted for the qualified incumbent.

It's hilarious how you're defending this corporation as if it's your friend. Are you a Randian?

It kinda helps your credibility if you have something there. In that case, only ridiculous content in your posts will get you laughed at.

Maybe you should actually care about this country.