King Mob

The umpire was right on all three of those calls. It sounds like Williams thought the “coaching” warning was rescinded because she told the umpire she’s not a cheater, but of course that’s not how that penalty works. The call is made against the coach (who admitted he was coaching from the stands), so the player can’t

Serena stans are turning into psychopaths who froth at the mouth at every slight against her. Imagine being do deranged that you have to be told not to boo Naomi Osaka of all people. Serena’s the GOAT but I’m so done with her ridiculous fans.

Can we please stop with the Serena worship? She’s a titan of tennis, a superb athlete, but she’s not without flaws, without her faults. She’s petulant, and this isn’t the first or worst instance of abusing an official in her career.

First warning to Serena for coaching. Her own coach admitted to Pam Shriver after the match that he had indeed tried to coach her. The gesture was meant for her to approach the net more often. He thought she hadn’t noticed it, but still, it’s the attempt that matters. Players have been using this excuse (“I didn’t

You're an idiot. 

This article is terrible.

The issue isn’t “making any contact” with the helmet, it’s “initiating contact” with the helmet. Read better.

I think we should really consider doing away with helmets, as they are primarily used as a weapon these days. It’ll mean more ‘heads up’ football and proper work on fundamentals. Hell, it’ll most likely lead to a faster game anyway. And while we’re going along this way of thinking, I’d probably do away with shoulder

Finished your prediction for you...

If Froome has been DQ’d, how would Quintana know when to not make a move and get no separation from the group of 15 riders trailing a random breakaway by 3 kilometers?

Wow, this Froome guy has even more balls than Lance Armstrong. 

I seriously admire the lengths you are going to want to believe these athletes are clean. It is right in front of your face, but you still see it and say...well maybe she’s just genetically gifted and crazy about privacy. I mean those are some serious mental gymnastics you are doing. This is the second public story

Doping problems in tennis? Nothing to see here, just massive athletes with amazing stamina way later than ever before. Don’t you believe in miracles?

Serena is a PED user. She had a TEU during the Olympics. She hid in a saferoom to avoid a random drug test. She hasn’t shown much of a physical decline well into her 30's in a sport where you’re typically washed up at 27.

“Over her 23-year career in tennis, Serena Williams has never tested positive for any illegal substance despite being tested significantly more than other professional tennis players.”

This would last for approximately 1.5 matches before people realized his skill set doesn’t translate to boxing and he can’t hang in the ring with basically anybody.