United are like any big old team. They’ve got the right to rule mentality, and the purse to invest in just about any dumb decision. It’s a bad combination of rich and stupid where they’re always only one move away from a return to glory.
United are like any big old team. They’ve got the right to rule mentality, and the purse to invest in just about any dumb decision. It’s a bad combination of rich and stupid where they’re always only one move away from a return to glory.
You sound like a pretty normal person who hasn’t been completely broken by internet brain just yet. Massively flawed team that’s been fun to watch improving on the fly, can’t ask for much more than that tbh. Watching Carson stomp people has been great
It’s the isolation that causes the whinging. It’s like all the completely headfucked Boston fans in any sport. Just becomes this gigantic circlejerk where they keep telling themselves how good the team is - and if the team is good then why are they losing? THE rEFS and THe COacHES!!1!
I’ve seen Seahawks fans complaining about that PI flag being proof of a broader conspiracy to keep the Hawks out of the playoffs - that referee manipulation is one of the ways the NFL maintain control over the game. This is obviously batshit insane, but what is Griffin supposed to do there?
Yeah, my background’s in rugby as well. Hate to be that guy in the mY sPORt is BETteR circlejerk, but tackling in football is hilarious awful. It’s such an easy thing to get right, and the potential benefits are so enormous, I honestly don’t know why every single team doesn’t send someone over to the NRL with a blank…
You’re right of course, just went with the helmet for the likes. Shoulder to the dick and balls didn’t have quite the same... je ne sais quoi. Head tucked behind the leading shoulder, outside shoulder aiming at the inside hip, wrap, drive through, all that good stuff.
Dead set, if defensive players were ever taught how to tackle properly - instead of diving head first at the knees of the runner - the hurdlers would be getting drilled every single time. They’d all learn pretty quickly after the first guy took a helmet to the dick and balls.
Podein Cork is a Thomas Pynchon character who left home at 14 to become a priest, accidentally joined the army, and then ended up a gin-addled insurance salesman who wants some answers to the Jewish Question
Williams is a serial bully and all-round nasty piece of work. That she’s been coddled by a fawning national media for well over a decade doesn’t change that.
What? No it wouldn’t. If his helmet was about 20 centimetres to the left it would be close. His technique is horrible, he’s a danger to himself as much as anyone else.
Okay, but what if you took away the helmets, you took away the pads, AND you actually bothered to test for PEDs in a serious way from the time these kids are 14/15 years old.
If you think the third clip is an example of a ‘near perfect’ tackle then we’re looking at completely different things. It’s miles away from near perfect.
Yes? You just don’t tackle like a complete mong. Get your head outside the incoming players inside hip, lead with your shoulder, and then wrap. There might be a tiny bit of incidental contact, but it’s not going to be a helmet in the chest. They should pretty obviously do away with helmets, but that’s not about to…
I tuned in just in time to see the Bennett Jackson tackle and then the commentators HMMMMing. It was an awful tackle. Jackson comes from the left, and somehow manages to tackle with his left shoulder and his head in the other guys chest. Fantastic way to either break your neck or knock yourself out. Disgusting…
I mean, Froome has cracked plenty in the past. The good old days pre-2011 before he turned into superman.
I think we’ve got a pretty good idea, it’s almost like you haven’t been reading your marginal gains press releases
Sagan’s the only reason worth watching this year. Sky are a Postal level disgrace, their fanbois are somehow even worse, and the UCI’s inability to deal with Froome having finally managed to catch him is beyond embarrassing.
What the actual fuck? I love Boogie and extremely hate the Warriors. How am I even supposed to react to this?
That’s a damn shame. Knew it was coming, but still hurts. One of my absolute all time players, one more reason to not watch this season.