this is what happens when you send Amelia Bedelia to steal iPads
this is what happens when you send Amelia Bedelia to steal iPads
I put that in my notes! I tried working it into my recap, but honestly, it completely broke my heart. When I first jotted it down it brought me so much joy, but it was so painful to revisit once she was gone.
Mine too. They were so good together. They had some of the funniest bits on the show.
thank you for taking the time to comment on an article you have no interest in. It certainly livened up the dialogue around here.
As I see it, and I could be wrong, Prue had it out for Helena. She seems to pick on her or make slight remarks to her or about her, which is sad because Helena would have gone far in the competition in my opinion.
Honestly, WHAT did Helena do that was so terrible this week? And when has Michelle EVER been terrible? You’re seriously going to put Priya or Henry over Michelle?
I mean, if your vehicle hits something while you’re using that feature, I’m going to hold you accountable.
France: What’s up with the scarves all the time?
You’re so right about that (as I’ve been discovering the past few months). I’m also sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he’s doing as okay as can be expected.
Honnestly, it’s very hard and humbling.
took me a couple nights after the first time to start sleeping ok again, and as of today, I still hate to take shots. But I can’t cut it as a vegetarian, and every bite of meat goes down a lot easier when I know the meat had a life before becoming meat, instead of being born in…
Dwight as hardcore Libertarian deserves some thought.
I know they're not widely available but Grippo's are the best.
Where do you live exactly? I see a Pizza Hut every few blocks here in Las Vegas, they’re a national pizza chain, they’re everywhere.
A surprising number of runners are killed when trail running by deadfalls.
Love to buy $18 loaded potato skins instead of inner city schools having textbooks for every kid.
If you like freedom, don’t live in an HOA.
How do they get the Orcas drunk?