
The 2010 remake suffered in three ways:

Word! I have always said at least 30 minutes could be cut

I swan to John if this Episode is all Ahsoka and Anakin talking and the very last like 5 seconds is Thrawn, this is going to be an embarrassment.

the weird thing about Andor is that the most interesting parts didn’t involve Andor in the slightest

My complaint is that the Episode was too short, after 54 minutes, then 40, 29 felt JArringly short 

I get it and am here for it, but i kind of miss the “Work work Work” he used to put out when given a command hope to hear it live action

Or even “Same cookie but a dollar less”

no like a year old human saying a swear word and then coming up with the least logical word it could be and then insisting... 

The problem with the design never being a “Normal” hotel has a lot of shortcomings. I would never spend 4 grand for my partner and I to stay in one of those rooms when they look so much more uncomfortable than the premium resorts and the only park access is to get into the back of a box truck and go to one part of one

Disney adults, though sad certainly aren’t single but I love the continuance of a toxic geek stereotype on a geek website no less. 

Get the fuck out her with your tired ass take if your name isn’t halfassed appropriation you should know that the only reason the Irish in America were allowed to rise against their discrimination is because of the color of their skin.

Disempowerment usage by a marginalized group is not permission for others, in

So, the worst/best part is his like 30 second of pure panic trying to explain himself and saying he was going to say “Narwhal” the fuck. I live for the panic but am annoyed at the like bizarre 5 year old defense. 

They would also have to facade it in a way that doesn’t look like a midwest high school 

Call me Maybe has more sing along fun factor than Crazy in love has general banger cred. Graded on that curve, I’m not surprised. If you are in the sun drink in hand which one is more fun to sing with your crew 

The fact that “you Wish” by Flyana didn’t make the first round is criminal

Star Trek is huge amongst the Millenial and older Gen Z queer community, the idea of a future clear of judgment for how you’re born, that’s post scarcity, and people are allowed to follow their passions and take part in a greater cause by choice not mandate or economic requirement.

Given that lens do you understand a

The composition of the song using more electronic elements and a metallic reverb felt very vulcan, If it had been a little colder with more staccato instrumentation it would’ve been perfect. 

I just don’t think a one off musical episode is enough to sink the series how often did we have to watch the TNG crew larp in the holodeck? The only thing I think this show COULD do to sink the series for me is not address that within a relatively short period of time Pike Blew up a fuel refinery and had an ambassador

Slow clap 

two big a man man to have a widdle singy song episode? Grow up