
Show your fucking receipts, and be fucking careful when you do. If your assertion is that someone at a black lives matter rally has killed someone, then I have Charlottesville to throw at you. If your assertion is that someone who supports black lives matter has killed someone then I can CERTAINLY play the same game

My family is deeply saddened by Folgers discontinuing the 2009 incest commercial thus robbing us of our annual facebook posts about how gross it is.

Yeah, I’ve had two friends and a coworker die of Corona in the last 8 months, so fuck ‘em if their world view is ruined by a commercial changing. 

Boo fucking Hoo, Man if this shakes your world it’s going to fuck your shit up to learn that 276,000 people have died from a pandemic in the U.S. 

I’m pretty certain that racism is playing a role too

I feel like unfortunately pigment plays a role in the dissent against this commercial too...

There’s a reason the saying is “Stay home if you’re sick, come over if you’re thicc”

Paul and Prue discussing southern style biscuits would probably be a shite show

Sounds like a high class version of the KFC failure bowl


Baked Attraction is just what we need post quarantine! A dating show where suitors participate in baking challenges to impress the contestant. 

Oh my god, the brownies was sad and amazing, how can these people make choux and not a brownie

The only people noticing are those without girlfriends

Our Family has had a running Joke since Trump was elected:
“Grandpa Jim didn’t falsely claim to be a bisexual and then invent a modular water filtration system to avoid having to fight the Nazis just for us to have one in the White House!”

Additionally, I find the British perspective on what’s common baked good knowledge to be so weird.
they go from
“Oh I love an opera cake”
“I love religieuse

How did making fun of trump ruin the baker for you the commander in cheeto is a right bastard and deserves our disdain and mockery at every turn. 

the only better honey mustard is popeye’s mardigras mustard

How many of those floors is David S Pumpkins? 

Pepperidge farm remembers

My boy TJ legit hired an escort for a date to a few events he knew his ex would be going to and denied sexual intercourse on all occasions and when the organization got raided the following year he got off scot free because he had text messages that made that clear beyond a shadow of a doubt and the contract stated