
Yeah.... Isolation isn’t programmed to be a handheld game... Good on you for testing all parameters that a system might present and for the advice to avoid.... but shouldn’t this review be more about how the game is actually supposed to be played and not how poor it is in a gameplay mode that it isn’t designed for?

You may not have realized this when you posted it, but you may have created a new head canon for many. 

Eh Turkey on Christmas is a like a 80:20 (None:For)thing. It’s not the automatic choice by a controlling majority, but it’s the most common of many, many, dishes. we did consumer reporting and only about 13% of Americans who celebrated Christmas ate Turkey (Coming to about 22 Million). About 9% reported Ham as a

 No offense to Beantown, but this is how I read this in my head:

Do you have an international/ Latin American market near you? I see that brand all the time. 

You never smuggled Meat?

Cherry ripe IS great. We have a place in Indy that sells it for 2.50 a bar

how often do you go to the West indies? 

.Veganism is the avoidance of animal products entirely but is based on the philosophy that animals do not consent to their own consumption. So if Snoop Dogg was cool with you eating him, he could technically be vegan. 

How many of us are old ass white politicians trying to draw in the black vote at events hosted by notable African Americna figures?   Oh, just her. We need a game face on.  

Yeah where the fuck did all the hippie Boomers go? 

Your older members join in on giving Millennials shit and  your younger members are doing half the shit the Millennials get blamed for.

When you say shit like that hell ya you get folded in. 

Yeah well, we already get YOUR generation’s shitty parenting practices dropped on us in the Boomer’s criticism. So go ahead and continue to do nothing. 

Not to steal from John Mulaney, but if you are comparing two words, and there’s one word that you won’t say, that’s the worse word. 

It’s just because it’s been folded away... Cracker was originally whip-cracker.

If I gave this movie any thought maybe but as it stands, after reading “donor” my eyes set in a death stare and I German Shepherd tilted my head. I let an uggggh so loud my work partner came to check on me

Yes! He qualifies my sisters for D.O.R. 

Hey don’t blame me, your country was the one that took a highwayman, gave him money, rum, and a gun dropped him over here in the U.S., his descendancy is bound to be a little touched 

I’m sorry, all I can hear is Aww Ha ha J’aime mettre du poisson dans mon pantalon and Je suis une omelette......

but thanks for all the boatsand for hiring my ancestor from an Alsace prison to kill British soldiers during the American war for independence