Yep because I teach them to spell exclusively with their thumbs.
Yep because I teach them to spell exclusively with their thumbs.
It was a company marketing call. Back in the early 2000s my Sam Goody was featured in a reality show (some c listers shopping and talking about other c listers music), at the time I was the only white staff member at my Sam Goody and the day of filming there were three other workers from the surrounding suburban…
Your 30 years of military service should have taught you the difference between anti-personnel, anti-material, long distance strike, smart weaponry, and heavy artillery.
Also why would I defend Indianapolis if I lived in Boston? Youre a wuss and an idiot
Nope I live in midtown, attend first feiday art shows, work for a Public Schools, voluteer for the democratic party and spoil my mutliracial niece.
15 years working Middle School here... There are two speeds, The kids who eat their lunch in five minutes and then go bother other kids, or the kids who spend all their time bothering other kids and never eating who then complain about not enough lunch time
Hate Speech has no context
Ohhhh Temperature my gentle widdle sensibilities. My California skin can’t handle relatively mild winters.
Sorry that you’re such a wuss
Tyrannical governments...
A) The party that is advocating for unmitigated firearms ownership is far closer to being tyrannical than the party asking for regulation.And before you say “But EireJack if they’re so fascist and tyrannical, why do they encourage citizens to have fire arms?” Well Mon Petit Fromage, that’s…
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Really? Understanding of the constitution? Might I have the name of your Militia captain?
1 million dollar liability insurance for my heavy machinery comes to 125$ per year per machine. It would only really get cos prohibitive if you owned an unreasonable amount of Firearms. My car insurance is 1440$ per year, so comparably that would be like owning 12 firearms?
These chill ads are all money, this is the one that most speaks to me
I am a straight male and I would totally be here for it if it did. She gets into relax and kick it mode and her boyfriend enters the room in short shorts and tells her he got her dark chocolate and is making nachos.
it’s not cannibalism to them, humans are just another space monkey to the little Kill-oalas
True Story, For work we had two women from Europe visiting and for lunch they each had a Mexican Coke and they were sent to me for a bottle opener, when I used the filing cabinet edge one exclaimed “HOW AMERICAN!”
yeas but freedom of enterprise guarantees the private company’s right to decide whether the free expression is a fireable offense. HOWEVER this also protect freedom of speech by ensuring that if you wanted to open a restaurant called “Cop Burgers” and name every combo after another insult against police, you are free…
Here’s MY grandma’s popcorn ball recipe, maybe it can help?