I am getting a daughter/grand daughter premonition
I am getting a daughter/grand daughter premonition
They weren’t dark souls but Duck Tales had some pretty challenging platforming.
Loved the show, the movie is a classic, but that game was a half assed puzzle game that should never see the light of day again.
you... you... you do realize that you just wrote fanfic don’t you? You’re now a fan fic writer
So will you take the money you save and reinvest in a program, company, or system that will employ the hoardes of un employed that your plan would bring about? Will you provide food and a place to live for their families?
Yes, no longer buying things will really provide a benefit to the working class. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. the rich are so rich their business could fail and it would be YEARS before they have a change in lifestyle. while waiting for that unemployment will sky rocket
You literally just gave me a headache... just READ IT OUT LOUD BEFORE YOU HIT PUBLISH
What I love is that it’s over 50k now, with donations coming in that are all 10-20$ it shows the humongous amount of support this guy has from us out here on the internet.
The mechanical parts are in order, but no wood and it’s not navy or dark red? Pass at 4000+
First comment first circumlocuted racist remark... wow
Way to put the f word on the frnt page Kotaku
Of things that have never happened this has never happened the most
Agreed, I’m looking at you remote controlled batarang to hit a switch in arkham city
I have NEVER met a hardcore fantastic four fan under the age of 50