Jack Tango

There are so many stupid fucking Musk quotes to choose from, but one of the first is great: “I don’t have to answer questions from reporters. Don, the only reason I’m doing this interview is because you’re on the X platform and you asked for it. Otherwise, I would not do this interview.”

Love the show and she is Awesome in it ! So glade she survived .

*Kevin Feige bursts into the room inexplicably wearing a Chiquita Banana costume*

Don’t give Davies any ideas!!

Yeah, it was weird to me that the joke of ‘Garfield Minus Garfield’ was “What if Jon is just crazy?” because frankly, Jon was always crazy. He’s a deeply weird guy.

“It’s Tom Hanks. We paid Tom Hanks a frankly appalling amount of money, and then made him imitate Justin Roiland. He was unhappy doing it, we were unhappy with the results, and you’re going to be unhappy with the finished product, but we are committed to this bit.”

If I ever get arrested, I'm going to tell the judge that I've moved on. That should work.

I refuse to take anything a Disney adult has to say seriously.

Whelp, sounds like someone’s headed back to the Jonathan Minors

I mean, there’s a kernel of truth to the idea that fictional characters are what their writers make them. There’s no real Superman who we can just ask what he thinks about various subjects or observe to determine his traits. But those people are also being awfully obtuse in the idea that certain characters become so

The new Batman is Jarro.

It was fine. Not good. Not horrible. Fine.

And then there’s Aquaman 2. Which I don’t blame anyone for forgetting about.

You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it. 

It would be really weird if they just continued the show Ted Lasso without the character Ted Lasso. Unless in the first fourth-season episode an existing cast member steps forward and declares they are now Ted Lasso and everyone calls them that.

Yeah who would watch a movie about a jackass C-lister, much less a whole team of them. Least of all with James Gunn involved? Unthinkable.

Martin Short gets points for everything.  

A gimmick commentor? In this economy?

Audiences will delight as this panther of a movie slinks through the night! Take note, Blake Edwards, this is how you make a sequel after a star has passed. Coogler doesn’t need to resort to deleted scenes to make this kitty purr! Although the missus’ wouldn’t shut up about her confusion of Angela Basset/Shirley

Now we’ll never find out who’s line was it anyways.