Great News was excellent.
Great News was excellent.
The music drops out and the camera focuses right on them as they burn away. I think you’re meant to take that as the writers knew that wasn’t a common occurrence.
one of the best episodes of television ever.
The clothes very specifically do not regenerate, which is a major clue that something has gone wrong in this particular iteration. Considering Sacha Dhawan briefly wore 13's outfit in this episode, I doubt Tennant would have had a problem wearing it as well. Unless he has it in his contract that he only ever wears sand…
he also got the best damn episode in the history of the show so that’s not too shabby
comin’ in hot with a bold take no-one’s ever had before, wow
“the Gary Cherone of Doctor Who showrunners” is *chef’s kiss*.
IIRC technically yes, Tenth used up a regeneration with the hand thing. so really, ninth is “tenth,” tenth is “eleventh,” then eleven (Smith) is “thirteen” and my head also suddenly hurts
I'm also on board with the Peter Capaldi train. Except for that time his Doctor was on a train, that looked a bit too dangerous for my liking.
Says a lot about this era but her not only did I not know it was Jodie’s farewell episode but don’t care that much. BBC dumping this episode in some random October, like how movies that aren’t very good get released in February or March instead of the summer or Holiday Season, shows how much they care.
Capaldi and Eccleston are my favourites, though I quite like latter-run Smith as well.
And Capaldi comes to battle riding a tank and playing electric guitar. Just add a little fire and you got the Doof Timewarrior.
Would it be too much to ask for David Tennant to do it in his Scrooge McDuck voice? And wear a top hat and spats?
All right, fine, Matt Smith. It seems strange no one else has given this objectively correct response so far, but here we are.
I thought Gorillza didn’t do live shows anymore because it was too much of a strain on the animators?
1) Shower Curtain Liners
And Scooby Dee.
They’ve done that pretty much every time he’s alluded to since the 2000s.