John Griffin

I still prefer self moderation through labels and filters


I think it is inevitable to hate it if you see it as an adaptation rather than its own thing. I was kind of surprised when I read the original that it focused so heavily on the genius Vs genius detective aspect. I mean, it did that very well, but it kind of was a waste of the premise, which had much more potential as

It could just be a proactive measure to keep from losing their trademark. Could also be a publicity stunt.

I hate to generalize but maybe they should try some more women directors and writers for a fresh point of view, even with the male protagonists.

Thanks for the clarification

I haven’t been following closely but I thought that there were 3 jokers. Although probably it would make more sense for him to be some kind of phenomenon that posseses people than any actual particular person.

Sounds like an addiction metaphor. Given the current opiate crisis a lesson in recovery may be in order.

Is that a blue Klingon?

I have such mixed feelings about this.

I was a big fan of Frequency, so it was nice to get some closure, though a full episode would have been better. They really should include an extra episode in the budget for all on the bubble series as 1) it gives extra incentive to invest in new series for viewers and 2) having a complete story will increase DVD

Very cool, I like the blueprints people have made of TV show houses too. Unreal estate is great but I like surrealestate too.

Not quite as insane as last week, but still great. I had some intermittent network issues so there were some small interruptions.Surprising amount of dick shots LOL. Still haven’t decided how I feel about the dandelion. I was surprised to see so much of Bilquis again so soon. Scully was great as Lucy/Media, though I

Is Shadow black? It would seem so from Wednesday’s description of his mother, but for some reason my image of him from reading the book (granted long ago) was that he was part Native American.

Well, I liked it. It started out a little rough with the Viking scene but the rest of the episode came off pretty well. In particular some of the production shots of the characters and the bar were worrisome but it must have just been the lighting because they looked great in the show. *Edited to add - actually I just

I would watch that.

It’s ok, I’m pretty sure there’s a BatDeshredder somewhere next to the shark repellent.

Are these canonical?

Needs more Geoforce!