Jack Creed

Well done Christian. As an avid video gamer and a gun owner it's nice to see a perspective not built upon media hype and knee jerk reactions. Also, well done Kotaku for allowing this point of view to be presented.

I love my Xbox. I use it for gaming and streaming. I prefer XBL to PSN hands down. The console is the center of my living room entertainment. That said, if this always on crap is true, I will most certainly buy a PS4.

I have guns, knives, Samurai Sword, a 360, PS3 and a PC or two. The difference is that I am NOT mentally ill. I really wish people would stop trying to define someones mental state by the articles one may own or the television or games that one may consume. The bottom line is whether or not that person is stable to

I like the idea of this game, I really do. That said, I also like the idea of being able to play if my internet goes down, which is does more than I'd like it to.

I hate to admit it but that lip piercing is a little too much for me to take as well. Other than that, for what it is, it'd would've be pretty good. I know, I know. I am old fashion that way, I just have a thing about chunks of metal shoved in people's faces.

I have been very impressed with Tomb Raider so far. Anyone who wouldn't be willing to give it a chance because of what is takes as inspiration is missing out on one hell of a game.

I am all for making sure a company gets paid for the merchandise. I don't pirate, hell I don't even buy used games and it sucks the I, and others like me get the short end of the stick with this always online crap. People who buy the game are going to buy the game. Many who pirate the game aren't going to go out

With this always on crap all you're doing is hurting people who bought the game and want to play it. It does little to nothing when it comes to piracy.

Mormonism is a messed up cult. Then again I think almost all religions are messed up cults. They all need to go away in order for our society to succeed in a more of a meaningful way.

It all comes down to the fact that people who like Sony are going to stick with Sony & People who prefer Xbox are likely to stick with Xbox. I really don't foresee a large change in dynamic at this point, especially seeing as it is becoming easier and cheaper for people to delve into the PC market.

It would have been nice to see what the price point was. If it's reasonable I might just get one in addition to the next gen Xbox.

I wouldn't believe people actually listened to that type of crap, except for the fact that I live in a town full of those type of people. Stupidity in numbers is a very frightening thing.

I have to wonder if Hasbro is just trying to quell the whole Brony thing. I could see where a company would want to publicly distance itself from such a.... different.... subset of pop culture. That said, their doing so in a very dickish way.

At what point are people going to try and defend their positions on the merits of said position and NOT fucking use the bait and switch technique. It's lazy and stupid.

I think it's best if all further reporting on anything Avatar, should simply not mention the live action movie. The cartoon (which from now on is the only Avatar we should talk about) was phenomenal and the comics are not half bad either.

I used to buy used games, I don't any more. When you do that you are taking money away from the makers of the game. The bottom line is that the more we buy used games the less likely companies are to produce games of the same quality. As nice as it would be to crap on these guys for their decision to do this, I

I'll be honest, this is something I would do. Not because I was bored but because it gives a sense of history. Sure it's not pretty but it did happen and I believe the worst thing we can do is try and ignore it.

How about focusing on studies that pinpoint potential mental health issues. How about making access to healthcare, including mental health, easier and more affordable. How about making it harder for sick people to get firearms, instead of punishing the people who aren't doing anything wrong. I own guns and I game.

The only people we have to blame for the slue of multiplayer in games that don't need it are the people who buy used. The industry is suffering because of resale and this is, at the moment, the only answer they have. It sucks but until things change, it's what we're stuck with.

That's the thing, you know they're going to find the fringe of the culture. The most extreme cases are what make good television so that's where they're going to go.