Jack Creed

I’ve been married for almost fifteen years. Found an awesome gamer girl and have not regretted it for even a moment. I pity you and whatever made you so spiteful.

The only really negative Xbox press I have seen is from Kotaku. I am not a brand loyalist, but this is getting beyond shitty. I look forward to the versatility of the new Xbox and since I actually want to give video game companies money for the games THEY make, their DRM policies really don't bother me. There are a

I think I am going to avoid Kotaku for a while. I don't mind critiquing something, but it seems like it's been an all out bash fest for the Xbox since it was announced. I mean come on, this article is just silly. It's almost like you guys ran out of things to gripe about so you invented one. I am not one of those

I don't see the huge issue with backwards compatibility here. The 360 wasn't really backwards compatible.

I'm sure I'll be panned for not being a "real gamer" or some such crap, but I like the fact that they pushed the full entertainment center angle. My 360 is my gaming machine and my TV at this point. Giving me more options in that arena is a boon.

I'll be honest, I don't give a crap about the used game bit. I don't buy used games and I don't rent games. I try very hard to give my money to the company that created them and not Gamestop. I am concerned, however, about the online aspect. I don't have that great of an internet connection so I hope that the game

I have to say that the title screen to the first Mass Effect should be in there. It still inspires a bit of awe in me.

Dragon Age Origins does a fairly good job on "realistic" armor on women. Granted Morrigan has a penchant for the skimpy but at least she's a mage. Skyrim also does okay save the "Shaman" armor for the Forsaken.

I still have this feeling that many of those who pirate games aren't going to go out and buy a copy if they can't pirate it. I would like to see a study that would look into such a correlation.

Well said, very well said.

First of all, why the hell would you give an 11 year old kid a gun as a present. Second of all it wasn't the gun or the damned game. There are some very serious deeply seeded issues at play here.

It's been this way for years now. The media has pretty much become sensationalized garbage meant to grab ratings no matter the cost. It sucks that whatever the "issue" they cover tends to be painted in whatever light that serves that end best. There just isn't such a thing as reasonable discourse anymore.

True, and a valid point when looking within the context of the gaming industry. That said, do you not feel that the companies who allow EA to buy them out are not partially to blame? Again, I am not defending EA's actions. I find most corporate practices reprehensible at the best of times. I just don't exactly

That really isn't all that different from a lot of companies. That's what giant corporations do, the acquisition and often times trim out what isn't helping the bottom line. I'm not saying it's fair or that I agree with it, but singling out EA as a shark in a sea full of sharks really doesn't make sense.

It sucks when people get laid off, but that's the business. EA is no different from any other major company. When the bottom line doesn't fit the vision, things change.

Because EA is the worst company ever, don't ya know.

I don't think you're fucking anyone over. I am an ardent supporter of gun rights, but these guys are simply passing the buck. They don't believe this shit, they're just trying everything in their power to take the focus off of their narrow agenda. What I love is the fact that these morons say they are for freedom

It doesn't present any more of a moral choice for me than it does playing Forza or Need for Speed because the mimic real cars. Honestly if you are offended by the guns being "actual" gun in really real life and people getting paid for the licensing of said guns, then don't by the game.

Whatever Hollywood does, many fans of the series are not going to like it. I really think this is one that could have that whole "Last Air Bender" parallel of potential badness. If it were me, I would attempt to make a movie based in the Mass Effect universe without Shepard at the helm. You could have some of the

I remember reading all the awesome articles about this game before it came out. I was super excited. Then I learned it was to be an always online game. I thought to myself, "this isn't going to go well at all." I hate being right...