Jack Creed

While the little squeakers playing COD should indeed shut the hell up they are not getting paid to game. This guy is and a modicum of professionalism is warranted in my opinion.

I'd be on about DLC so close to the release of a game but I realize that they are a business and fighting piracy as well as used game sales genuinely sucks away revenue. If this is what companies feel they need to do in order to bring us an awesome game then I'm all for paying a few extra bucks.

Christ people, get off this guys back. If he wants to decorate his basement this way let him. It's no worse than NFL/MLB/NBA junkies spending thousands trying to make their basement look like a fucking sports bar.

Castlevania 2d only, Mario Brothers 1 & 3 and world, Final Fantasy up until 7 and the one I remember playing as a kid the most... Dragon Warrior. I played the hell out of that game.

Well said, it's the reasonable part I have issues with. Bethesda seems, to me, at least to be working to get issues fixed when they arise. It just seems to me that with such a massive undertaking it would be foolish to think it would be perfect. Which is the vibe I get from a lot of the peanut gallery.

I really didn't figure Skyrim would be issue free. I paid for a grand experience and I got one. Yes there were bugs and yes they are kind of annoying but I just don't feel that I have the right to complain as I am not a developer and I have not been in Bethesda's shoes. I also admittedly get annoyed when others do

I should note that this is in no way a slight against the article just the people complaining about Bethesda.

Bugs happen in games developed by companies other than Bethesda. I have personally experienced very few glitches with Skyrim and those that I have are often not all that noteworthy. I also realize that I have no real right to bitch about them as I have yet to develop or be a part of developing a game any where near

I don't think consoles have reached their peak yet but I do think we will see a shift in what they'll mean to us in the future. Love 'em or hate 'em, Microsoft is on the right track in integrating so many things into their Xbox. I play a lot but I also enjoy having Netflix, Hulu & Youtube in one place. It's gotten

I have to go with EA on this one. Aside from farmville Zynga hasn't come out with an original IP yet.

Both parties can take some of the blame but the bottom line is that Trapdoor signed a contract and now they're stuck with it. By the sound of it Microsoft made, at least, a minimal effort to aid them.

I actually had forgotten about Mystic Quest until you brought it up just now..... Thanks for that.

Wow it supplies both my love of retro gaming and of object within which other objects are stored.

I agree, pirates are going to pirate regardless of what the companies come up with. If they can't pirate it many probably aren't even going to bother with buying said product anyway. I really don't think a successful anti-piracy method would see any meaningful boost in sales of software.

I know somebody went to the FCC about it but I didn't think it was taken seriously. God I hope it wasn't...

Well I have to say it's nice to know the ending appeased at least some of the fans. The uber whiners wouldn't be appeased by anything Bioware did at this point so it's really a lost cause with them. I personally enjoyed the endings as they stood but after hearing all this I might download the extended cut just to

I can now official die from not being surprised by this. Bioware should have stuck to their guns and kept the ending as it stood.

Skyrim and probably Minecraft for the 360. My wife & I can both play split screen and it's become damned addicting.

The lifespan of console gaming will all depend on how initiative driven computer companies get in the future. Xbox has the right idea of making its console a media center as well as a gaming device. I play the hell out of my games but I also watch netflix and hulu as well as buy movies. Granted I do this with a PC