Jack Creed

I would easily fork over $30 or $40 to but and HD remake of FFVII. I loved that game and would gladly play it again.

I honestly don't know how I feel about Bioware doing this ending and not standing by what they created originally. But I like the fact that you can download it if you want and can choose not to if you respect the ending as it stands. In this way you can placate the detractors without stepping on the toes of the

Yeah I don't doubt it. Still it would be interesting to see if something like that would work.

If they could swing it the idea of starting a new console at $299 would be a hell of a way to get your console sold. Given the money gained from Xbox live for the majority of people buying the new system plus the downloads and Smart Glass it might be a risk worth taking if you could supplement the cost with enough

Ubisoft is probably just covering their butts for the press and I can understand why. It's unfortunate that they have to do so but a lot of 'mericans tend to fly off the handle at anything even remotely close to something that might slightly be almost unpatriotic in nature.

I enjoy console gaming because I don't have to worry about the myriad of issues with compatibility and constant upgrades that the PC comes with. I also straight up can't afford a PC that I would consider a worth while gaming rig. Now I admit that slowly but surely these issues are becoming moot but it'll be a few

Hahaha! Shouldn't have read this while taking a drink of my coffee. Nice!

Damn! If you didn't look too hard you'd just assume that last picture was a different angle taken from the one above it.

Jesus, I'm glad I haven't bothered to get a copy yet. I figured it would be problematic but this is just crazy. Somebodies going to figure out a patch and then Pirate, pirate, pirate and Blizzard isn't going to have anyone to blame but themselves. So foolish.

I think for me it wasn't so much a moment in the game but a moment playing Battlefront 2 with my wife for the first time. It was a ton of fun and it sparked a long tradition of playing 1st and 3rd person shooters together.

To clarify - It's just the beginning of any truly solid media attention which means a ton of speculation and little facts. I realize the game has been in production for sometime I just chose my words poorly.

It's a bit premature to really judge anything at this point. The project is still in its beginning stage and a whole lot can change between now and release.

That was a great article and it explains the weird mob mentality thing quite well. I often wonder how many people really hate something and how many simply want to feel superior by riding along with the "cool kids". As for reviews I use them as a guideline knowing that I, as a human being, have different tastes than

I don't see why they just don't bloody well release it on every platform at the same damned time. The timing of availability of DLC has absolutely no effect on what platform I'm going to play a game on and I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference to anyone else. You play on the platform you like plain and

So far I have officially owned 2 COD games and have yet to play through a campaign. My wife and I dig the multiplayer so Black Ops 2 better have split screen again.

Wow! That sucks. I like G4 and I'll still watch X-play, mainly because I have a mad crush on Morgan Webb, but I'll certainly miss Adam. It's just too bad that networks don't treat their talent a bit better. Crap like this makes them look bad, which in turn costs them viewers.

I don't think you are the minority in enjoying a streamlined equipment system. I loved that about DA2. But admittedly I am more of a story oriented person as opposed to a combat oriented person. I too hope to see DA3 have many of the elements of both Origins and 2 in it.