
As a christian, I approve of this post.

"A traveler from another world that came to save us all? Yeah, that was Jesus."

haha i spent more time that i probably should've doing this over the weekend.


It's Bruce Timm. He can do whatever the hell he wants and I will pay him money for it at this point.

Certainly didn't expect that!

Wow, that looks terrible.


yeah, not a nose ring... it's an ear ring...

Hail Zoltan!

The NFL as a whole is going to reverse the Earth Superman-style if they keep up this record amount of backpedaling.

Someday, a developer of great skill will acquire the Star Trek licence, and make the Mass Effect-style RPG - with a little Bridge Commander thrown in, for flavour - that the franchise has deserved from the very start. It'll be set in the TNG era, and absolutely no mention will be made of Red Matter, or a Romulan named

I thought the "Wild Theory about Destiny's Story" was there is one.

Now playing

Maybe Batman doesn't understand the concept of death.

Whoa! Aliens? Damn, maybe I need to play this game.

Now playing

This man will NOT be the spokesperson for space tourism.

It wasn't until I left Central New York that I found out no one else knew about salt potatoes.