
Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto

At this point, the Walking Dead has pretty much become a never-ending cycle of Rick losing body parts. I bet by the end of the comic, he'll just be a head and torso.

Someone's going to do it...

What is it with the new Gizmodo articles on "What would happen if this impossible catastrophe that can't happen actually happened anyway?" Is someone really worried about how the internet would survive if humanity weren't there to see it? Is someone concerned that the sun could completely vanish for a minute and

I know this looks nothing like the original. But the original had a formula you simply couldn't repeat. This actually looks...cool. We usually see monster movies from the top-down, but this looks like one from the ground-up.

This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.

You win at the internet today.

The hobbits simply walked into Mordor.


I mean, I get cryptic credits or whatever the currency is called in a monthly stipend, but the game just couldn't keep my interest once you got to the end game. The raids were broken, the fleet system was flawed, and PVP was a joke.

I've been wondering how that whole lifetime membership worked out for you folks.

Star Trek: Voyager was pretty horrible

Paid for the lifetime membership, haven't logged into the game in almost 2 years. Yup. That was worth it.

Now playing

It's from one of the best DS9 episodes ever, "Far Beyond The Stars..."

In honor of National Ghostbusters Day yesterday (Who knew it was a thing?)

Forgot about Labor Day weekend...