
Yes, obviously his chair-sitting in GOTG is vital to this story,

He means Infinity War.

I started playing Call of Pripyat again and completely forgot how to play and what I was supposed to do. I’m enjoying figuring it out.

I still get really emotional explaining the bit where JJJ is watching Peter try to save everyone from drowning in the NYC cataclysm- an act that ultimately kills him - and realising that he has completely misjudged a young boy.

I haven’t read comics in many years, but growing up in the 90's prowler was one of my favorite random side characters that would show up. I even had a couple issues of his limited series back in the day.

So i was rooting for him to get some sort of redemption and i was sure he wasn’t all bad. I stupidly didn’t put two

Yeah, I’m re-reading the comics (including the last bit of Peter Parker’s Ultimate series) now and the movie definitely handled Aaron way better. Miles’s Peter Parker on the other hand... Lets just say that I was not expecting to be that emotional while reading the comic, especially after I already knew what was going

The voicemail Jefferson leaves Aaron was really indicative of how nuanced that relationship was.  The writers really did so much without ever having those two talk.

But on the other hand, for you and others who knew the character’s background you got the dramatic irony effect. So you got to cringe every step of the way as Miles got closer and closer to knowing the truth. That’s powerful too.

peter killing MJ with his radioactive spider-jizz. 

I’m happy to see an article about this! I love that the message with Aaron Davis seemed to be that even people who have done bad things, people who are criminals, are humans and deserving of at least some compassion. Aaron wasn’t instantly turned into a horrible villain, but we also didn’t get some sort of redeeming

I didn’t have the comic background for this one, so it was a legit gasp moment for me. And a heartbreaking one at that.

I just loved how subtle, yet complex, the relationship between Aaron and Jefferson was. They never appear on screen together before Aaron’s death, but there’s still this weight to their history. Close once, broken now, but not in a “HE’S DEAD TO ME!” sense. Just the fact that Jefferson doesn’t do something

Some horrible human was chopping mad onions behind me when I went to see this. Never had an animated movie hit me this hard in the feels.

Surprise of the year for me.

I kinda hated knowing the Prowlers relationship to Miles from the comic books (and all the media around the film). I wish I was able to have the same reaction to the reveal my friend did, even if the film didn’t try to hide it as much. It was still an awesome moment in an awesome film though.

I still can’t believe how good this movie is.

To be fair, you can’t truly be Spider-Man unless anyone who knows you for more than 5 minutes turns out to be a supervillain.

The part where he says “I let you down man...” immediately made me tear up. The way the movie handled Aaron was way better than the comics and I’m very thankful for it.

Elder Scrolls 6.

80% of this show’s charm is Howerton’s about-to-explode-any-second line delivery. “They were just sitting there! Kissing! It was gross! Get out!” Also Patton Oswalt is doing great with what he’s given; “No! I want you to die somewhere nice!”