
League leader for worst Kickstarter so far: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/917876657/republishing-synnibarr-the-original-scifi-fantasy

This is all a subtle Skynet plot, and I will have no part of it.

I love it. Very retro, very Batman: Year One. It feels like I'm "watching" a 70s cop show starring a low-powered superhero. And that's a good thing.

Exactly right, IMHO. The theme of a selfish loner learning the motivation of selflessness, that's the real bottom line.

This is a pretty nice concept, though I was disappointed to see the gratuitous use of the Slave Leia outfit. Don't get me wrong, it looks great, but I found it to be a trifle distracting, and it lessened the overall impact of the work for me. I want to love this, damn it.