I’m with you. There’s a chance that some brat ran out into the street and one car sent the other onto the sidewalk (in which case, this poor guy has to live with this now); but I’m comfortable assuming that it was another drunk asshole.
I’m with you. There’s a chance that some brat ran out into the street and one car sent the other onto the sidewalk (in which case, this poor guy has to live with this now); but I’m comfortable assuming that it was another drunk asshole.
Oh god, these delicious tears! This is the best butthurt. Duke got “bent over” by something “petty and inconsequential”? This is required reading - watching the clip without this comment is like having it on mute!
How bored was that announcer, though? I thought maybe the audio was out of sync, but no, he was accurately describing what was happening on the field!
Lol, I scrolled down just to make a “NO, YOU’RE the racist!” joke, but yours is way better.
It’s pronounced “shuh-TAN-ic”
I’m from the Midwest. I’m trying to picture how white a place needs to be in order for its defining characteristic among small, Midwestern towns is that it's “the place with all the white folks.”
Did not see this comment was in response to another, was horrified.
“I don’t believe in ghosts. I like ghost stories but I’m a generally “there’s a logical answer to this” kind of guy. So, with that...”
You $hould get out and do $ome $print$ on gra$$ field$ and then $ome turf $urface$ if you ever get the chance. It’$ pretty obviou$ why “the NFL” prefer$ one over the other. The difference$ are enormou$ and it $hould take mere $econd$ to under$tand why different league$ have different field$.
Best Poker Face 2015.
Interesting. I think we kind of agree again, but from different directions.
“...the Dems jammed through the ACA...”
I agree 100%, but it’s also worth noting that there is a potential risk to that. Imagine a backwards-ass, conservative district where negative attention from the DNC is braggable. “Reviled by liberals everywhere!”
I was all excited by the headline, but then thoroughly disappointed by the “sorry I got cought” non-apology :/
I had someone from 6th grade look me up on Facebook and tell me off for being cruel and bullying her as an adolescent. My only memories of her were of having a small crush that went nowhere because of how dramatically unimpressed she seemed with my flirting.
How much experience do you have with kids? I ask because you seem to want a context that makes sense of their cruelty. That search will break you.
Thanks, that was a legitimately helpful explanation!
I’m a huge fan of the Zebras, but man do I not understand this pen. On the scale of comfort, this is the only pen that actually a pain to use. A hat tip to anyone who enjoys this pen, because as stylish as it is, I could not get into it.
I’m a huge fan of the Zebras, but man do I not understand this pen. On the scale of comfort, this is the only pen…
You should teach a class. This comment deserves an actual award.