
I live NEXT TO a “crisis pregnancy center” and I have no idea what my duty is. I can’t do nothing, right? Actual, on-the-ground harm right in my face and I am at a total loss.

As a Lions fan, you’re welcome or whatever.

If you don’t know what a Bernie Bro is, you have a LOT to catch up on.

As a member of the greys, let me say that this weirdo who completely missed the point of the original comment does not speak for us.

As a former Boston resident and current Uber driver, let me assure you that in fact, yours is the enviable position of not knowing more. Example: an imprecise GPS that doesn’t know you’re UNDER a bridge will give you bad advice if it thinks you’re ON that bridge. But more importantly, anyone who thinks GPS give

Isn’t this PRECISELY within the spirit of the buyback, though? It’s not a gift or a favor because this benevolent corporation wanted to make things right. It’s what’s owed as a consequence of cheating. Is there a word to describe when someone gets ripped off after ripping off others?

Do you personally know any Cowboys fans? It seems like all I hear from them is how every year is their year for a Super Bowl.

If Belichick believes questions are either football questions or stupid, then that would be a stupid question.

I had an entire comment full of shock and confusion all ready to go when I realized that the reason these Jalops all sound like idiots is because I am an idiot (someone reading a Gizmodo article). As a moral offset for my accidental click I’ll be donating to a pro-privacy-rights organization, the EFF.

“Look at me! LOOK AT ME! LOOK. THE FUCK. AT. ME.” -Stafford, actually, at Ebron (the second idiot to not get out of bounds)

It’s difficult when you are criticizing someone for speaking out against racism. You would have to start by supporting CK’s message, finding something legitimately wrong (not just making up a naked pretext for defending racism, like saying “oh the way he said it was offensive”), and then end by underscoring CK’s


I’m not sure you know what heel-and-toe is. It certainly has nothing to do with the syncros.

None of this sounds like a defense of Philly fans, though.

The best part of my Lions fandomship is being able to mock my Bears fan brother-in-law.

No one gives a shit about the Saints/Falcons rivalry. At all.

It would be helpful to assume that half of us don’t understand what privacy is. You clearly do, based on the way you phrased your question, but there are going to be several “I don’t care who has it, so no it’s not private” responses.

Why are there foreign branded cars? What happened since I left? Is that just a Birmingham thing?

Ah, I think we’re talking about two different hits. The one I was referencing was the one that knocked his whole head forward half a step in front of his body.

24 got a weak shot to the back of his helmet that he probably barely felt