
I'd argue that the Amazing Spider-Man wasn't a remake at all — it certainly wasn't a remake of Raimi's film. It was a new film based on the same source material (50+ years of Spidey comics). It's like saying Raimi's movie was a cash grab remake of the 60s TV show.

It's not you, but I'm answering to this one because I get tired of seeing similar complaints all day every day. Original movies get made. There've been remakes since film began. Shakespeare's plays were remakes. And if they do cancel a massive blockbuster based on a previous property, they're not going to replace it

Still eye candy... especially compared to that wallpaper.

Yeah, I got banned from my neighbours house for saying fart and not fluff, like they did, when I was 8. My argument then? Fluff sounds way more disgusting.

Thing is — as you said, the vast, vast majority of child molestations and abductions are committed by someone the child already knows.