Jack Skitt

This is a English website, so I think we can use the English pronunciation.

Through the force!

This is the best policy for NASA rewarding companies for accomplishing set boundaries in the space industry. A private company would do the most they can to reduce costs for space travel.

How do we know it's not empty its not plugged in, its just a HDD enclosure

Apple has also released a new selling system, which allow bulk selling of applications to business sellers this might be the reason for the price range.

Yes im running multiple XCode projects on my build, the only bugginess i see if from XCode 4 which is a awful downgrade.

I believe this exact picture and whole story was just on a brand new documentary released by the Discovery channel with first hand accounts of area 5.

@polyorpheus: [www9.georgetown.edu] here is a more in depth view of the categories, computer programming and data processing falls under the "mathematics and computers" section.

@IceMetalPunk: I belive its using 12 HDDs in raid 5 and one 120gb intel 510 SSD

@jbboehr: I think after 10,000 years you shall get bored of being mad and turn into a super concentrated being.

Did anybody else notice that facebook was in the system settings and not the app settings?

Is this really needed in a phone, before we start including powerful CPU's in phones there needs to be a dramatic increase in battery technology.

I dont know about US networks but in the UK its free on all the networks

@Monty: I believe stars are powered by fusion not fission reactions

@rashad123us: Trim support came in secretly with the 2011 mbp in 10.6.6 and comes in all apple computers in 10.7

@LiquidBeef: As of iOS 4.3 you don't have to either it's built in

@Y2KGTP: Does it have lightpeak/thunderbolt?

@commander_k: I think its more of the common sense design of it, for example not putting the fan or speaker on the bottom of the computer. Allows them to last longer