Jack Skitt

@matt buchanan: What about a pressure sensitive touch screen. They did mention a new form of touch screen input.

@OreoExplosion: Nope, they are horrible battery life is terrible, they get very hot and the brightness is rubbish, i cant see them adding them in the next 3-4 years.

@aboldish: xcode is a brilliant resource, and with xcode 4 coming out it does feel super cool, very user friendly

@el_darway: Yay...more things that apps have to be changed for.

@KyleW: iPad can recognise 11 touches

@bobdeloyd: The same one that i have never required a USB, Camera or a SD card slot.

@Dynosaulo: As james may proved lego + water = leaks.

@jRiz: Use it as a monitor stand what mine was doing for 8 months.

If your looking for something rugged to tell the time...buy a watch

@muzzaml: But at least they done something with the logo not just making it shiny

@TomXP411: Not bad for apples business but bad for the 100's of thousands of developers business

@iFarbs: i got a £50 wine voucher instead

@Ham_Sandwich: Well i would imagine watching shows on websites like BBC iPlayer that is going over to the US later this year.

@Ham_Sandwich: If its release they might just jump to 5.

@tegz: Thank you! iv been saying the for months.

Why isnt lego universe on here?

@Crrash: They are locked in america, most other countries you can buy them unlocked from apple

@ModernBawhair: That is the worst sarcasm iv ever heard then