I’m not sure you even understand the sentence you just wrote....racial divide is kinda exactly what they are constantly being blamed for.
I’m not sure you even understand the sentence you just wrote....racial divide is kinda exactly what they are constantly being blamed for.
I’m not going to watch that video because just the thought of it makes me sick.
The last line here is the most applicable to this story. Unless a dog is attacking you, there’s never a justification to hitting it.
Leave Serena out of this.
Can someone explain why this comment has so many stars?
Almost certainly just about NBC being obsessed with gymnastics and Simone Biles.
You’re citing John Oliver as a source? You realize he’s a comedian, right?
It ranges from Great Britain paying billions more per year in to the EU than receiving back, to lack of security within the EU, to the people of Great Britain feeling like their government had too little control over policy.
Don’t wear championship merch.
because the nut shot didn’t make contact—literally no response from James until Windhorst jealously pointed out someone had tried to take his favorite ballwashing position. James then whined to the league LIKE A BITCH.
These two things aren’t even remotely relatable
stay off the field, poindexter
So you’re a big strong man who can handle coming across something potentially offensive without being upset because it’s just words.
Yeah, I don’t understand what he’s complaining about. He made the bet (apropos of nothing, so far as I can tell), allowed York to change the terms of the bet after winning, then went and honored his commitment (presumably without complaining to York).
John Oliver was the first person to suggest owners build their own stadiums....in 2015?
That’s...not how plagiarism works.
...which means you rarely ever see NBA players or coaches talking about “class” or “playing the right way.”