Jack Guerrero

Papelbon hasn’t been a member of the Red Sox for 5 years. The rest of us have moved on.

Not to mention he grew up dirt poor and lived with his mom in college. He’s not the best example to use for this tired Deadspin theme.

ESPN is, by televising a baseball game from Cuba, condoning that country’s communist government and its horrific human rights violations, same as Obama is doing by going there and sharing a stage, and baseball seats, with the murderous/genocidal agent Raul Castro. Shame. Utter pathetic shame on the worst President in

Be afraid of what you don't see.

Very broad translation, the requests are:

He was flipping his bat in anger here.

Okay - and the First Nations who are also never portrayed on film? Lets not pretend Asians were never mistreated in America either - internment camps during WWII for example.

As we wrote about last summer before the World Cup, and what ultimately came true, is that Press was one of the many USWNT studs who deserved to but didn’t really get a chance to shine at the World Cup because of the stacked roster/insistence in playing Abby Wambach-ball.

Nah, dunking on a team as they are going to shake your teammates hands is a way bigger dick move.

Can we just crown Anna Ormeli Supreme Queen of cosplay and be done with it already?

Also that moving Raiden costume was badass

This dude is getting even worse than Tom Ley, the previous leader in the "I'm blatantly white but I'm going to call out other white people to show that I'm actually way different" race

The gawker writer snark is strong in this one. I just usually sub out the word "white" and replace it with "black" in these types of articles, see if it still looks like something they'd write.. and of course it isn't. That usually sniffs out the loser writers.

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker