
the belief is that your body needs to stop processing food for a while to do reconstruction and cleansing, if the body is continuing to process food all night it doesn’t ever switch into this mode.

...snack lovers need to continue raising the alarm if they want to enjoy their goodies without the guilt of knowing their treats may be destroying key orangutan habitat...

Single stream recycling is a net loss for the business side of the equation. Source separated (i.e. we do it ourselves) is always more profitable for recycling. The business has largely collapsed in the last couple of years due to China halting taking a lot of our recyclables. Every fraction of a penny counts now. We

Listening to him speak, I swear I can feel brain cells die. It’s like his words are targeted strikes on intelligence. More and more, many people are saying it *uncontrollable eyelid twitch*

A Simple Favour was so wacky. Thriller, drama, black comedy, full on slap stick comedy 🤷‍♂️

My favorite dog costume of all time. 

My favorite dog costume of all time. 

an actress who plays a Manson Family member in the forthcoming Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

This show has been a pleasant little surprise for my wife and I to escape into and get away from this fucked up world’s awful news cycles.

I believe you meant irrefruitable.

I believe you meant irrefruitable.

more like kit lackofharington, amirite?

I liked this review. Thanks for writing it. I specifically liked how you shared stories of your personal and anectdotal real-world experiences, rather than just spout of specs and objective comparisons.

In a couple years, this girl will be old enough to google herself, and she’ll get confirmation that her parents have fucked up. 9 years-old Everleigh, if you read this, it’s not just you. This is not ok.

That is totally a design ripoff. There’s a designer named Angela Rossi who has been doing plates of bodies with animal heads that look just like that painting. I hope she finds out about this and sues Wal-Mart. You can check out Angela’s Etsy shop. Her stuff is amazing. 

If they cheated to get in, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that they’re cheating to stay there. All their academic work should be suspect at this point, just like all my doctor’s interpretations of my labs would be suspect. My doctor may have done well in med school and be technically qualified, but now

“But the court documents show that some appeared to be unaware of their parents’ activities.”

I PRAY for the k8nd, sweet death pets have had: at-home euthanasia in the quiet of their own home, dozing in their fave spot, surrounded by people who love them after being spoiled rotten in their last weeks. Yes, please, find me a future caretaker who gives me that death. I cannot think of a better way to go.

On the rare occasion that I have reason to be in my childhood hometown, I’ll always pull by my house to see what disasters various new owners have inflicted upon it. A dumb new paint color, covering my old sandbox, stupid use of the garden, etc. But eventually I feel better, and smile and drive away. It does my heart

This is me and my family taking care of the hamster

My wife was responsible for delivering a bunch of these things to area nursing homes. The hasbro joy for all cats.

TIL Today: MySpace is still a thing. Neat.