
I honestly thought she was immensely likable and I was really impressed with the weave of the speech. It veered smoothly from policy to rhetoric to her story as fluidly as I have ever seen her do.

I don’t care about her oratorical skills. Her speech had meat in it, stuff that I agree with, so I’m all good!

Women’s suits in general aren’t flattering if you don’t have a nipped-in waist. It’s possible that this is the best Hillary can look and we should accept that. It reminds me of when Dustin Hoffman did the makeup trial for Tootsie and said “okay, now make me prettier” and his makeup artists were like “this is as good

My mom stopped wearing dresses and skirts because of her legs. She thinks that they’re ugly because she has varicose veins and surgery scars so she’s ashamed now to wear anything that remotely shows her legs which means she hasn’t properly enjoyed the beach in years. I offered to pay to have at least her varicose

Ugh the word pantsuit is the worst. It’s a suit! Just called a suit! That’s what it is. Men wear suits that include pants every day of their lives and no one ever says it’s a pantsuit. Just call it a suit. /pet peeve rant

See this is where my foolproof, cunning plan starts to payoff!

If it’s sexist to vote for Hillary because she’s a woman, is it also demonist to vote for Trump because he’s literally Satan’s bunghole?

at least once a week i ask thetallbrunette if it’s weird to have stuff dangling between his legs. he has stopped answering me?

He looks like one of those guys who screws like he’s doing the most, but he’s okay, but not the greatest. But he’s nice, so you let him finish, and he turns and smiles at you. And you smile back. And you know you won’t completely cut him off, you’ll text him back because he loves pleasing you and your areas and his

Please remove these unauthorized photos of me immediately.

Global warming leads to global farting. Great. Someone open the ozone hole to let the stink out please.

New theory: Yoko gets Chinese take out every night and just tweets us her fortune.

“at a Pepsi event celebrating World Emoji Day.”

This sentence makes my orifices bleed.

His wife’s family just wishes that he had been a good pilot.

Ok but is that Hugh Grant?

Was it this guy?