
One of my favorites. Picking this up this weekend (Waterloo Records).

I get my mom’s 14 year old Yorkie when she passes. He spent more of 2017 with us than he did with her, because she was in the hospital and rehab. I make him wear a belly band in my house, because he is not supper well house trained. It’s a pain, but I don’t want to abandon him. He gets into our routine pretty quickly

I love Chvrches, but that is just too damn POP for me.

I used to work in a fancy place and know how to do the swan. I also do a whale.

I watched Kelly live on Friday because I was off and being lazy. She was a bit cold to Ryan, so I was thinking the shine was off that penny already.

No no. No x-rays this time, just cleaning. Funny though.

No no. No x-rays this time, just cleaning. Funny though.

My dentist had a weighted lap blanket when I went in to see her last week. It was strangely relaxing.

My dentist had a weighted lap blanket when I went in to see her last week. It was strangely relaxing.

Just tried to look for them, and all I got was France t-shirts. Where do I find these.

Your name makes me more interested in your opinion on this matter.

I doubt that I will ever get tired of these stories. They are fascinating to me.

Now I’m wondering if there a litter box in the corner for her close cat.

I love, love, love the polar bears.

Last time I saw the pixies (after buying last minute tickets for way too much money) Kim wan’t with them. It broke my heart a little.

You might be on your way to crazy cat lady. The dog helps balance it out though.

I just trow mine in the toaster over for a few minutes on a piece of foil. It’s good enough.

I’m going with Brady. He could probably use the money for college.

Sometime when I see JLaw, I think of Jude Law. I am of another time.

John Mayer

I need more sleeping accessories. I already look like I’m going on a deep space mission.

You need some water to wash that down. That on top of a soda is just too much sugar IMLTHO.