
I’m getting good at reading and pronouncing crazy Russian names. It’s freaking me out, but I guess it’s a sign of the times.

That’s just to prepare your flesh for the sharks.

While I like the look of scruff on some men, I don’t want it on my face or lady bits. It’s very ouchy and rashy.

It popped up as one of those highlighted stories on the left. I didn’t realize it was so old.

This is tripping me out. Why is one wall moving and not the other one?

I think that is a root beer.

According to a nature scientist friend who is always educating us on facebook. Check the tag. They should list if it’s been treated, but it’s always better to buy from a local organic organization. I just got some baby basil plants from a community support agriculture group in my area. Just ordered them online &

Just so you know. The stuff you buy at home depot was probably already treated with insecticide. Try a Natural Gardening place in your area.

Are you alright? Do need a medic?

You should know that Alabama Shakes includes Brittany Howard.......a woman.

Bloody Marys will feed you and provide the lubrication you need to get through the flight experience.

I wish everyone that he lies about and damages their reputation would sue the living crap out of him.

I had to put my 18 year old Westie to sleep 8 years ago. Luckily my vet did home euthanasia as since my guy had dimetia, and really hated being in the car at that point, it was the best decision for us. They were kind and patient, and took his little body only when I was ready. It’s a tough thing to do and I’m

I once found a designer jacket at the really deep discount, and it was a size 2. It just fit me and my boyfriend then had it in his mind that I was a 2 forever, when it was more like a 6.

I love to sleep on my stomach. I’ve gone to great lengths to train myself to sleep on my back or side for at least the first part of the night. I have latex foam pillows and use another squishy thing (okay, it’s a teddy bear) to prop my head in such a way that I’m not turning my head too much. It is both an art and

I love to sleep on my stomach. I’ve gone to great lengths to train myself to sleep on my back or side for at least

I also shop at home goods and I usually have my dog with me, who rides in the kiddy part of the basket. He’s pretty popular. I’m just the person pushing him around.

I did that too.

I put those hash-brown rectangles in my toaster oven. Max toast on one side, flip and repeat. Works perfectly for me.

Yes. I live in Texas & have heard it as a last name pronounced that way.

The Cheetolini will just make some number up in his head and say it was the most watched inauguration EVER. Facts are not an obstacle for this duffass.