
I've been a music lover all my life and I'm getting up there in age. Regardless, I go to ACLfest every year, and if there is a band signing autographs that I'm a fan of, and own their CD, I'll stand in line for it and get to say hi to them at the same time. I had Temples laughing at my stories and my dress' kangaroo

"dumber than a bag of hamsters" that made my day.

The baby might shit & piss on you too.

I can't agree that Westie's are dumb as noted on this cart. They are really good at getting what they want, either form their human or on their own. They are also pretty easy to train, but can be incredibly stubborn at times. A delightful combination of personality and energy, and a fantastic companion.

I'm loving this dress!

I was driving home to Austin from Dallas on Saturday evening and saw several meteors. One was so bright it made me gasp.

I saw it years ago and can recommend it highly.

Darn it! No bears on the bear cam. I had this picture in my mind of them all standing on some imaginary line, waiting for the ice to crystallize. I've always loved the polar bear. Please don't shoot them with a gun. I will cry.

You forgot the cruelty. Cruelty comes before any of this other stuff.

When I saw the girl getting her "treatment" I was wondering if it was blood from one of the teens or if it was just being filtered. Maybe they just want to have babies with them....

Do you find they affect you less? I'm flat out allergic to cow dairy, so I avoid it at all costs.

Try goat and sheep cheeses. There's some delicious stuff out there. They are much easier on your system.

I don't think the Spanish nurse's dog was ever actually diagnosed with ebola.

I'm not voting for him, but some people in this state will vote republican no matter what. Please get out and vote you Texans; Wendy Davis/Leticia Van De Putte.

Busted my chin open a few years ago & I'm all, "I'm fine, no worries here" then I look in the bathroom mirror & start screaming. Eleven stitches later......

I loved them at ACL this year. Always liked them, but it was fun to see them live.

He's playing Fun fun fun fest in Austin in November. Unfortunately, I've made travel plans for that weekend, dagnamit!

I think they are trying to show it can hold some weight with the can of tomatoes.