

I'm a soprano/paralegal in Austin. My parents were science teachers & I've always had a love for it and sci fi. I enjoy coming to this site and finding stories that tell me about new movies, shows and bring interesting new information into my life as well as talking about the things I already love. I started on

One of the neighborhood cats poops in my flower bed all the time. So, not really a win, your cat still poops outside, you're just no where around.

Back up to $19.99.

Your cardigan would suggest otherwise.

I experienced an attempted break in at an apartment I lived in years ago. My dog would not stop barking at 3 in the morning and I woke from a deep sleep and got up to see what was up. I looked out the peep hole & could see someone trying to pick the lock. I didn't have the top bolt bolted (yes, stupid me) so I

I just looked this up. Is it supposed to be for baby food?

Junior Brown! Awesome. I wonder if that was filmed at the Continental Club.

I did a bid "Ooop" at my desk. That guy has got guts.

She reminds me of Penelope Cruz.

Am I the only person who uses a basket up here?

This is $37 now :(

Circledog approves!

I've watched all of it twice. It's on Netflix streaming. I'm a Joss Wheton fan though.

My Mother had several & I had been working on her to give them to a rescue organization for some time before she moved into a retirement home. She ended up giving them to someone I never met & I still worry about them.

My female friends says that I remember things in much better detail than them as well as the men in my life. I just think I pay closer attention, even if I've had a carafe of mimosas all by myself.

An Icelandic Westie. I love it!

I buy music via CD mostly, but sometimes upload, from amazon or other site, never itunes. We have a great store in my town, but I sometimes order online. Sometimes that is just so more of the funds go directly to the label I'm trying to support. I worked in a record store in college. I like to hold the thing in my

Rewinding also jerked the tape around more, and made it break more easily. It was always better to flip and forward in you wanted to go back.

I'm always looking for ways to keep my hands warm on winter dog walks, but why must the be red?