Jac Dav

Reagan was the same last season when she wasn't Nick's girlfriend, Megan Fox was great. Obviously it was written in a way too that their relationship wasn't gonna last.

Though if it ended a lot earlier it would be less compelling. Reagan has helped the show quite a bit, if she wasn't here i feel the show would be a lot more stale.

Yeah that's coming up soon so they haven't forgotten.

I think S7 will be the last.

A next to last season it feels to me, i don't think there is enough time left to setup Nick and Jess properly.

It was only confirmed that she was gonna be in season 6 in late July too.

Nah i think last week had a load of Nickery.

Yeah i know about that, Reagan is also is in the 20th produced episode too which may be 19, so 16 isn't her last. Would your brother know about contract deals though?

We'll just have to see what happens. Again we don't their business and what they got going on for the future.

Megan had a contract for 5 episodes last season and was in more at the end. I mean we don't know the details regarding if she can sign a new contract, if she's available, the story requires her to come back in some way etc. All these things probably contribute to it.

She came back at the end of last season and may of signed a new a contract afterwards and she was pregnant too. We don't know the details so we can't say.

To you that is and i've seen a load of people who like Nick and Reagan. Big fans of Nick and Jess is mostly where i've seen complaints about them. Cause you think they're meh isn't gonna just break them up.

Reagan ain't gonna be gone from the show completely next episode i don't think, Nick and Reagan are still on good terms so it would be odd i think that she would be gone forever just like that, the show has invested quite a bit of time into her. If she is going next episode then it has to be well done, it would be

What country you in?

I'm not saying the ratings are doing extremely good but they look to be good enough for another season, and it is Season 7 so if they are gonna get together it should be soon. I don't thnk it would be out of the ordinary her coming back.

Come on you been watching this show? A lot of bizarre stuff happens and they're already staying together with Nick's ex girlfriend which seems to fine to them and it doesn't have to be her staying at the loft. The way the ratings are recently which are even better than a lot of the second half season episodes of S5

I typed the wrong thing sorry. The way he worded it is the thing i'm talking about. If he knows she's gone, i don't think he would say that. Even If they do break up next episode perhaps it's setup in a way that she comes back.

I'm talking about the way he worded it, and he's talked quite a few times with very high praise for her so i think he does properly like her and Megan's said she has a good thing with Jake. Jake saying "i hope she sticks around for a while" can suggest that her character is able to come back in the future.

Lol I wonder if it's gonna be one for each episode which could tie to the end of next season well.

Jess went to Nick, not the other way around, and he was embarrassed he said, not to do with trust. You can say Nick and Jess when they first got together needed more help too, which is why they should give it another shot now cause they know more and it's a big part of the show so they should be together by the end,