Jac Dav

Aly i think is the most normal. Did you see the way Reagan freaks out? That's not normal.

More like talking to an old friend, of course she's gonna know more than a person who he met a few months ago. They just need more time to know each other more. She found her own way of helping him in the end. Just cause she's not in the last few episodes doesn't mean they'll break up, this could go into next season.

They had a load of chemistry there, they great banter going back and forth that episode. Obviously there relationships are very different as well as Nick and Jess had been living together for a quite a while before they got together, i don't know what's gonna happen next episode cause this one didn't seem like an

Sorry but i don't see that, i mean they're undercutting the more intimate scenes between Nick and Reagan like the convo they had at the end of Raisin's back, they could easily do more of those which were well done.

Yeah that's not true, "Heat wave" and "Raisin's back" episodes where Nick and Reagan i think had the most time together i think had great chemistry. Eric is right that they're undercutting that for a Nick and Jess reunion.

I have no clue what's gonna happen the next few episodes.

Huh? This is silly, just her looks towards Nick at the reading shows that's complete nonsense where there was no interacting at all.

Well you could argue that if Aly and Winston are endgame and Nick and Reagan break up soon, you should put more focus on the one that's gonna end soon at the moment. Aly and Winston will have more stuff together later.

That's like saying everyone on the show has just one expression. Like are you watching the show? I know she's had flack for some of her past roles but she's legit really good on this.

That scene with Reagan and Nick in the little house shows she has great comic timing, and it's been part of her character that she can gaurd her emotions well.

Don't have to keep posting that.