Well, I did just escape from a mental institution. It was total BS though. They just wanted to suppress the truth about the robots' plans for nuclear holocaust.
Well, I did just escape from a mental institution. It was total BS though. They just wanted to suppress the truth about the robots' plans for nuclear holocaust.
Lange never gave us Lena Dunham. Between him and Apatow, I'd say Lange still has the moral high ground.
That second scenario rests on Conway being aware of this "remote possibility", which seems like a stretch to me. Her later spinning, that the microwave thing was supposedly a "joke", doesn't make it look like she is aware.
If people don't know what she is by now, the case isn't gonna rest on whether or not we make fun of her weird glamour shots. To engage properly with Conway IS to make fun of everything she does, because her place in the conversation is inherently risible. The person who still considers her credible today will never…
"Gentlemen, not even Hannibal Lector could swallow your nonsense."
::walks out of the room::
Him not being a celebrity is probably why he got busted.
::cut to five years later when Cameron possesses S1's entire life savings::
I don't know what Trio is, but there are already Three Doors Down. Any Trump-loving trio is gonna have to go through them.
Yeah, right. How are they supposed to know? Fucking men like them built the hydrogen bomb. Men like them thought it up. They think they're so creative. They don't know what it's like to really create something, to create a life, to feel it growing inside you. All they know how to create is death and destruction!
With you on that last point, unless it's Eobard Thawne.
I'd put money on anyone BUT Iris dying in the end, really.
See you next week!
Well, just because he started as a man doesn't mean he still is one or is neccesarily mortal. Hunter Zoloman, for instance, doesn't appear to be either anymore.
Beck ranted and raved on air, relied on improvisation, and even regularly wept, all probably without a script. Maddow's segments are meticulously scripted and researched, communicated in controlled manner, without grandiose displays of emotion even at her angriest. There's really no overlap, stylistically and…
Well that's pretty over the top. I am interested to know what the 5% of shows she isn't like are, though.
Them seeing this as a "MAJOR" victory is just a reflection of how bad things have been going for Trumpians. Their last big win was the fact that he read a teleprompter speech without pissing himself. One takes the crumbs one can get.
It's a catch-22 to an extent. There's so much about this administration worthy of raising the alarm, but highlighting everything which deserves scrutiny can be cacophonous. So if you choose your battles, then it's "why are they letting him get away with this?" Same thing with "distractions". "Isn't X really just a…
Not true. While this event specifically was a bad move, her show in general is what people who hate cable news say cable news should be.
The avatar glitch makes me feel like I'm standing in a hall where every door is to a men's room.