Because everything has to have a red and blue side, even the death of a Navy SEAL.
Because everything has to have a red and blue side, even the death of a Navy SEAL.
How many more soldiers have to die before he’s up for a Nobel Peace Prize though?
Nice to see you don’t let your own political views influence your writing.
I know it’s popular to guess which other sports a great athlete could have gone pro in, but I think for Federer the better question might be which ballet company he would have danced in. LOOK AT THAT THIRTY-FREAKIN-FIVE YEAR OLD FOOTWORK!!!
Cool. Then what?
You know, I’d wouldn’t be surprised if once he sees the F-35 (and it possibly landing in vertical fashion) he’d say something like “That’s a great airplane, maybe the best airplane. We need more of those airplanes.” All this while completely oblivious to the model of airplane it is and his previous tweets.
Unfortunately the “commitment to truth” in the Gawkerverse has a radical left-wing slant. I just hope that this previously excellent blog doesn’t devolve into yet another forum for anti-Trump, anti-right, and basically anti- anything that isn’t pro Bernie, tirades. The internet has enough of those. I want to keep…
I saw Phish in the mid 90's as well, in Vancouver BC. It was winter, and bitter cold, so everyone had huge coats and hats and so forth, as well as lots of backpacks and things. Once we got into the arena everyone threw their coats and packs and all their other portable belongings into a huge single pile in the middle…
I think the fact that it’s an unemployed, broke-ass, leech has the nerve to pull some incestuous fuck-boy shit to the girl paying his car note.
Arnold was here in Vancouver recently filming a movie and he frequently worked out in the local downtown YMCA. By all accounts he was pleasant to all. I found it a little surprising that he went to the Y for his workouts rather than one of our chichi gyms but he apparently just enjoyed the ambience.
I’ve met and interacted with a lot of celebrities, but this is about my son.
I guess it’s good to eventually figure out that ghosting is shitty, but I can’t understand how anyone could possibly not realize that from the start. Studies and experts probably shouldn’t be necessary.
If we could get rid of Trump and get Romney, Jeb, Kasich, or Paul Ryan i’d be happy at this point. Like appoint any of these guys, and get Trump to spend a few years at Camp David with some hookers.
Was that picture made by holding your TV against the copier?
This is my first thought whenever I see an update on this story from Jez. Does it count as irony that the editors allow Anna to continue covering a story about journalistic malpractice? Not only was she flat out wrong, but argument was breathtakingly elitist.
Dennis Miller approves this comment.
I understand the sentiment, but I hate the publicity aspect. Just give her the not; no need to post something to the public just to get a high five and a pat on the back.
Wow - I’m just so disgusted by the hate and vitriol that has been thrown at me for one comment - I said something wrong so give me a chance to explain myself before coming at me with such disgusting attacks. I am pro-choice and completely support this woman. I meant that the headline made me think that Gawker was…
You should change the headline - even if just for this woman's sake - yes, she had an abortion but she did so for a very specific reason and it's click bait to leave the headline as is. I was horrified by the title and then immediately realized it was misleading.