
I wrestle with the conflicting beliefs that A) women are often coerced through violence and intimidation to go against their own values in the interest of self-preservation so I will give this story the benefit of the doubt and B) These are exactly the lies I would tell if I got caught committing a terrible crime if

Really?! That is deliciously typical of Jezebel.

It didn’t. She edited the article after I said that so now I look like an idiot. There was absolutely no reference to Baby Got Back in the original post and she clearly had no idea what Blake was quoting.

Now that *is* good news.

Problematic is the most meaningless/lazy word

So a girl is not allowed to quote Baby Got Back when talking about her own ass anymore? We have reached peak meaningless outrage.

Except the author changed the article so now it looks like she knew what “Baby Got Back” was all along :-/

oh god do you people ever check first before you smear someone as a racist? she is quoting ‘baby got back’ by sir mix a lot. Be more careful: by recklessly throwing around accusations like this you do more harm than good to the cause of fighting racism - you make the arguments of anti-racists easier to dismiss as

I get the feeling that you’ve never ever held a job that involved life and death situations. EVER.

And sometimes a psychopath is just a psychopath. No one is arguing that she suffered from delusions.

Yeah... no. There seems to be plenty of evidence that she was fully aware of what she did. We are all flawed human beings. I get annoyed with my husband easily when he eats loud. My mother is a shitty houseguest. The second anyone I know encourages someone to commit suicide, rehearses their reaction to the suicide,

I’m as liberal as they come...but chick was practicing her responses beforehand. That shows forethought that she knew what she was doing was wrong.

ETA: holy shit, the teenage psyche is just so complicated and crazy and I don’t know how any of us made it out and became semi-functioning sort-of adults.

this is like a teen version of a hannibal episode.

The only reason this is being addressed is because it is on video. Academia is still a cesspit of double standards and everyone knows it.

and I’ve already wasted enough effort on you.

Exactly! It shouldn’t even matter if their relationship is physically incestuous because it’s clearly emotionally incestuous and he’s prioritizing his sister over his fiancee so DTMFA.

I’m going to disagree, respectfully. It’s repetitive, doesn’t communicate much, and it’s irritating to look at. Perhaps I’m old?

Defending a woman’s “right” to elicit comments on her body and not be commented on seems like a silly crusade at best.

Stef, as a female would you prefer to see them field the best possible team regardless of gender or is an all female team significant to you?