I can’t stand Erin Andrews and I hope this new-found mainstream success will get her out of sports reporting. She’s much more suited for Dancing with the Stars and selling vitamins that make you poop regularly.
I can’t stand Erin Andrews and I hope this new-found mainstream success will get her out of sports reporting. She’s much more suited for Dancing with the Stars and selling vitamins that make you poop regularly.
I disagree. Was the comment in perfect English? No. Was it perfectly understandable? Yes. Not everyone who has good ideas is always going to be an expert grammarian, so if you want to participate in discussions with a wider range of people, you might want to stretch your brain a bit so a few misspellings and a missing…
Thanks for that informative response! Sadly i mostly received insults. I guess there is no tolerance for people who actually had family dying under the hands of the 3. Reich to some of these “tolerant americans”.
Is WW2 education that bad in some US states? Or can anyone explain?
the shaking foot of the t-rex. Jim Cooke you savage, savage man.
Just do something like what Roxy did. You’re welcome Lululemon.
If that is literally the worst time in your life so far, you are extremely lucky.
She absolutely shouldn’t give him any more thought or energy, because he doesn’t deserve to be jerked around any more. Unfortunately, she’s still talking about how she doesn’t want to apologize unless she can get something out of it from him in the future, which is totally fucked up.
Honestly, he was pretty much as good a sport in this circumstance as someone can be. It doesn’t sound like he felt entitled to have sex with you. As you say he was confused by your sudden rejection and obviously bothered that your feelings for your ex were so strong (because he kept asking if you were really over it…
But you don’t apologize in order to make things right for whatever you think you might want in the future, you apologize because you did an unkind thing. That’s it. Then you leave him in peace.
I thought I was going to get this resounding, “It’s your body!” and “what a nice guy (tm)“ consensus from the jezebel crowd, but I guess there are two sides to the story.
his drama? you gave about a millionty mixed signals and forced him to STOP in the middle of fucking you — a girl he was very honest about liking.
I feel bad for the guy. You played hot and cold because you weren’t ready, and none of that was fair to him. You’re in the wrong.
I didn’t expect him to be THRILLED but his reaction was way over the top, right?!
I like to imagine the guy is super-racist, but also completely uninformed about any racial stereotypes. So he just walks around all day yelling things at people, “Latinos, always wearing striped cardigans! Ugh, those Indians and their Starbucks! You Italians and your magazines!”
I’m starting to wish no one had taught the internet the word “blackface.” The whole thing is starting to feel like a two-year-old who’s learned to say “No!” and now says it to any question.
Honestly, if you (1) went to Syracuse, (2) played lacrosse, (3) looked like a douchy frat asshole, and (4) were named "Hayes McGinley," how could you not totally expect to get the Jesus Fucking Christ beat out of you at least once in your life by a guy named Big Jim Whitcomb.
If I recall my intro to linguistics class, the apparent question in that case ("Do you want to keep the TV on?" ) is actually what's known as an indirect command. Or rather, it can be, depending on the context. Sometimes the way someone asks such a question can let you know whether they really want you to make a…
YES!! This happened to me in grad school! I asked a question, and the douchebag professor was like, "no, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard." And not 5 minutes later, said the exact thing I had just asked a question about as a FACT. And everyone in the room turned to look at me like, "Are we all taking crazy…
"And I saw the Four Horsemen of the Comment Apocalypse, and they said in unison unto me: 'Beware the false idol Kinja and her wily ways.' And I, for my part, took up my mobile device and screeched, 'EVEN NATIVE AMERICANS DON'T THINK THE NAME IS OFFENSIVE!' and lo, the Angel Snyder smiled down on me, well pleased."