
Dude, chill out. We know the USA needed to have a lot of luck to even get out of this group - and we got some today. We'll take it. You'd be acting the same if England had somehow snuck by Italy. But you didn't, and aside from one nice ball from Rooney you got roundly stomped. And now the USA is primed to

Damn. So if you butt-dial you end up paying out the ass?

Are you sure it didn't think that it was a fish? Because I've heard of ones who think that they're birds.

Youre 100%. Also, mist porn just involves the man getting off or 2 bitches being hotfor no reason. This fucks up how you emotionally respond to your real, live partner.

From cracked.com "A study performed by OECD, an international economic organization, on the state of dental hygiene in developed countries has concluded that the British have the very best teeth in the entire world, with an average of just 0.6 of a tooth decaying per citizen. Not just "not the worst"—the absolute

Sorry, as a Californian, I have a well deserved superiority complex over Americans.

I've seen plenty of commenters here say that they're iffy on porn (myself included) in anything more than small doses.

It... it's... an internet blog...

Was it a shitty, sleazy thing for the porn company to do? Yes

So I'm curious Deadspin, why did you choose to block out the woman's face, but show the guys? If she is willing to post that shit online, then she should be woman enough to own up to it. I wouldn't care about most of it, but when someone works at a school and you call them a borderline pedophile, with no real proof,

We'll never know what would have happened, but it's just a terrible idea to kidnap and sell nice white ladies from America and talk about it online. Because when she goes missing, the FBI's gonna track those emails and rain hell upon whoever sent them. Not to mention whoever picked her up at the airport, whoever

She is pretty (and yes I am saying this as a woman). There are far more competent female sports reporters.

"Em três metros ... fazer uma curva ... acentuada à esquerda ...

I agree with everything you said... except for her needing help. With the money she's made so far, she can most likely afford any help she needs.

This whole thing just reeks of manipulation on her part. I don't think I have ever seen a more manipulative individual in my entire life.

No we're not, it feels great

Rocza is actually committing an ad hominem fallacy, but s/he doesn't realize it. Instead of attacking the substance of your argument, Rocza has instead focused on your tone and sources for some reason.

I like the sentiment behind your argument, but it's flawed in two major ways that make it fallacious. 1) You equate the status quo with moral imperative. Just because we, as a society, don't do certain things with dead bodies or organ donations and have certain laws about them does not make these laws or actions