Your story doesn’t undermine his point, nor support yours.
Your story doesn’t undermine his point, nor support yours.
Hi DCV. I replied to Margaret Sanger in your defense. I expect her to delete it - she seems like the type. So I am also pasting it here. Thank you.
Wow, *your* lack of self-awareness is amazing. Highlights:
Mmm, I don’t see how that would be discrimination. An endorsement contract depends on success on the court, thereby increasing the player’s visibility during that time, and resultant exposure for the product.
Uh, welcome to Jezebel. And Gawker Media. And the blogosphere. We comment based on the information at hand. We know we’re not in the jury room.
Dunno about that. Yeah, the reactions in the comments here are important indeed. Notice that there are very, very few comments here at all. Mostly a deafening silence from the commentariat.
The situation is literally the opposite of what you wrote. Three things, in particular:
I had a SO go waaayy out of her way to get me to watch that before. SO had no brother, and so it was not a possible hint at her past. Perhaps a hint at a fetish.
What is that from?
What is that from?
Miz Jenkins is one of the most reasonable commenters Gawker has the good fortune to have. Seriously.
You’re drawing a false equivalence between this model and a mere “attractive woman.”
You need to distinguish between sexual assault and rape. A lot of these stories are the former, not the latter. Jezebel made the same mistake in the headline.
Bravo should have named this “Real Housewives of the ‘Other’ DC”.
1. Brashly flaunting a particular asset in a very public setting does indeed invite a responsive public comment.
True. But it doesn't make him wrong.
What does that have to do with whether the kid is a human who deserves the basic human dignity of medical attention? Either he is or he isn’t a human; whether he is “wanted” or not doesn’t matter. Jeez o Pete.
Yes, unsubstantiated talk from his estranged son, which your link notes is contradicted by the actual evidence.
No, haha. And certainly not about former rank and file personnel who served at a retreat and band crew, as opposed to, say, foreign VIPs at a diplomatic bunfight or large donors at a fundraiser.
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