Nothing to do with it? Nothing at all? Even in this context?
Nothing to do with it? Nothing at all? Even in this context?
Well, if we are stepping back in order to get an accurate perspective and avoid sexism, then let us do so.
Honestly? First the TMZ commenter trolled you, then you trolled Jezebel.
Uh, ok. Thanks for making things about you.
Hands off, in boxing. In MMA, though, half the combat is on the ground anyway; knocking the opponent down then pursuing them is standard.
Who are those two when they are at home?!
It’s so funny you should say that. I just thanked Mpapaver for mentioning the “vixen scream.” My parents live in Maryland near DC and their whole neighborhood has been wondering what the hell that noise is! They’ve lived here for 20 years, perhaps more, but this scream only started a couple years ago.
THAT’s what has been freaking my neighborhood out! I youtubed vixen scream and voila; thanks!
Jesus, Jezebel drone. The Romney and Ryan photo is non-political, humanizing, and good natured.
That is just not how societies function. It’s not disrespectful, it is human.
I bet, if you were actually confronted with it, you wouldn’t. It’s just not how people typically respond to tragedy. They tend to go about their days. Life goes on. It’s probably healthy that way.
Hiya! What’s the weather like in Moscow?!
It’s a little disturbing that she didn’t pick up on the most obvious trolling possible, and she’s a teacher.
Right. Wow. There is literally no demographic on Earth given more latitude to act silly and vain than young white women.
No, he probably wouldn’t. That is why context - or just facts - matters. These women fit right in the demographic that seems by far to take the most selfies. And those selfies are typically about getting attention for looking cute. So, he is making a pretty reasonable assumption. Would you put money on him being…
Wow. It is a pretty absurd frenzy of selfie taking; a little ribbing is totally appropriate. Not everything is the patriarchy rearing its head.
No, I bet he doesn’t. Thats why he is guessing. Do you think he’s wrong though? Do you really think those women wouldn’t have taken a good number of selfies even if there were no promotion.?
Good heavens. On its face (pardon the pun), their selfie-taking frenzy is eye-catching. Plus, selfie-taking itself is silly, childish, and pretty darn vain and narcissistic. All in all, giving them a ribbing about it is totally reasonable.
But, good Lord, people aren’t saying these women don’t have the right to act like that. People are saying they’re immature and narcissistic, not criminal, for choosing to do so. That’s all.
Uh, what? “Traditionalist ideas” would *expect* women to be shallow, air headed and self-obsessed about their appearance. This silly selfie tableau would be par for the expected course, according to “traditionalist ideas.” Right?