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    When you say digging a hole it suggests I'm getting myself into trouble. But she's not an authority figure to me. So I'm not digging a hole at all. (If anyone were digging a hole, anyway, it would be here as she discredits her position further and further the worse she acts). I see she is a teacher - holy crap I'd

    Show me where I said it does not exist. I did not say that. So there goes your entire first paragraph and most of your second paragraph.

    That wasn't a burn. It was an almost out of control rant. And the only part even she thought was worth emphasizing was the paragraph where she adopted what *I* wrote. Which says a lot.

    I wasn't trolling. I did not claim you are wrong about it regularly occurring nor "ask you if you meant what you said". I said I have never seen it. Can you detect the difference? That's actually a decent example of the difficulty in communication: I said exactly what I meant, but you decided to interpret it

    I've heard this before. I haven't noticed it in person, however.

    Breaking: Man apologizing for a stereotype of male behavior gets featured on HuffPo then ripped off by Jezebel!

    And I responded that it's not stupid. It's easily understood, non-offensive, and statistically highly accurate.

    It's not a "code." It's a common, not-meant-to-be-offensive colloquialism.

    Re-use is only one factor of value.
    I'd rather have one death in an awesome game than 100 deaths in a crappy game.

    The appeal just completely doesn't register with me, either.

    No. Some drugs' profitability would not benefit from being sold OTC because they have a relatively low demand.
    Yet such drugs may still have required a significant investment to research and create.
    For these drugs, the higher prices that can be charged due to patent protection are what make them worth the

    Certainly not all their drugs.

    You know, I really like your work. But a swipe at Cinnabon may turn me against you.

    Well, yes. And also becauses/he called them "flower" tortillas. It's a great comment, just not in the way s/he meant it to be.

    That compares to post 5 times longer ... about dick pics? With a cartoon of a hairy dick right there as soon as you click? For real?!

    Bah. Don't be too hard on yourself. Jezzies let few opportunities to claim offense slide.

    There is a question to be asked when women with ridiculous deliberately childish *girly* usernames like "rainbowunicornsunshine" attack a commenter for using "girls."

    Double post.

    Well, granted that Deadspin posted actual porn a month ago is a data point, assuming it's true. I went back through Deadspin until I got bored and didn't find anything as crass as this Jez post.

    Y'know, none of the other websites on Gawker, even Deadspin, are as crude as Jezebel.
    It's like you're overcompensating for something, or on the far end of the pendulum's swing from "ladylike."