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    You distaste for fraternities and sororities is fair, and one I generally share. I did not criticize that.

    Bravo for trying to duck an illustrative example of a principle.

    What does this have to do with being American. That's even less legit than someone commenting on piece about a soccer hooligan with, "I'm so glad I'm not a Brit." Or, you know, commenting on a piece about Islamist terrorists with, "I'm so glad I'm not Muslim."

    It's actually a very good university. It has been for some time.

    I bet some lesbian Jez readers find this piece titillating.

    All of cofn42's comments have been substantive and directed at the merits of the situation. He has disagreed with you (and you with him, it's a two way street) fairly politely and with reasoned, well-explained responses.

    'No one got hurt' matters a lot.

    Why didn't the other girl have a prom date!? :'(

    It f*^king better be.

    1. I don't really believe you. You're not doing this celeb gossip round-up as some sort of experiment because golly you just couldn't care less about celeb gossip and wonder if you can change that.

    That trailer's language sounds like it could have been lifted from a Columbine killer's notebook.

    Since then, Rolling Stone has revealed that they really, really fucked up, and elements of the story are inaccurate.

    Where did you grow up?!?

    WHY the hell would the uploader end the clip there!

    I understood your comment's tone. I responded to its substance.

    Let me go pull up an anti-feminist woman being interviewed.

    She kept the threats and harassment from getting under her skin ... and also calmly kicked their asses.
    Nice! And "little shits" indeed.

    A Korean-American woman told my brother a story of her visit to Korea.

    Which one was the death threat?

    *We*? Lol.
    Your English is impressive, but not good enough to hide you're not American.